Saturday, April 23, 2016

Rainy Day In the Swamp:

Yesterday I got another chance to go hang out in the mobile truck and take some pictures. It was a lot of fun! It started raining while I was out there, and you can see that in some of the photos. Totally brings the swamp to Swamp Fox! 
This is the squadrons Wild Weasel tail!

   F-16s: sexy from any angle.
    See the vortex by the intake? (F-16d)
 Definitely my favorite photo from the day!

    These are all block 52s.
   Tail 169, the wing tail number.

Fly Safe,

Monday, April 4, 2016

Swamp Fox

Recently I got a chance to go hang out with C while he sat mobile. I'm a sucker for sitting and watching planes, and was stoked for the chance! Unfortunately the movers had my good lens, and my camera cord and charger, but I did manage to get a few decent photos. Now that I have my stuff, I can't wait to get out again!  

Check out that pollen in the first picture! 

Fly Safe,

Great news!

If you read my Murphy's Law post, you know about our interesting neighbor. He's been super polite, and says hi every time we see him. C ran into him hooking up his own cable, and he even offered to hook ours up too! Unfortunately, we opted to go with time warner instead. 

Well, yesterday I needed to walk to the check the mail... And I opened my door to a face full of SWAT team. That's right. 15 guys, all in full SWAT gear. Guess who had their door busted in? Now, aside from being startled and kind of worried people would think we had something to do with it (thank you husband, for naming our wifi "surveillance van 1") it wasn't a huge dramatic thing. Besides... We are moving out soon anyways.

Today, actually. That's right! We closed on our house today! 

As soon as we get the apartment emptied (no need for you to see our air mattress, that has recently lost its ability to stay inflated) I will show you the apartment we've been living in for the last month! 

Fly Safe,