Yes, that IS me in a flight suit, thank you for asking!
Oh, you wanted to know about the silver hair in the background? That is my Dad, and yes, he does have the luckiest grey hair genetics in the universe.
Back to the flight suit though. When people with spouses graduate from B-Course they sometimes get to do a spouse taxi, the week of graduation. Since I was/am a spouse, I got a taxi.
No big deal, super casual.

Just kidding, super big deal, not casual AT ALL. (also, that is my babe of a mother, I know, we look alike).
I went through a go with my fellow B-Course spouses, so we sat through a briefing, learned about buttons to touch, not to touch, and definitely not to pull the lever that made the seat fly into the sky.

Afterwards I got all set up in my harness, and Chainsaw made sure I had ear plugs.

He is only a little invested in my long term hearing health.

You can't tell (okay, you can totally tell) but I was starting to get a little nervous. I wasn't the only one though, so it's okay. Mostly I was worried I was going to mess up my radio call.
I am going to take a moment and explain that the next three pictures are the best pictures from the whole day. It was time to buckle the bottom part of the harness.

"Okay guys, I can't get it myself"

Chainsaw heads over to assist, it doesn't go well.

Alibi is forced to be the adult of the group and give us direction. While laughing hysterically.

Alibi was the IP in control of the jet, it was awesome, we had fun.

Dressed to Kill!

We taxied out to the runway, (I really hate rudder pedals) and once there, went into afterburner. That's fast y'all. It was amazing.

Coming back from the taxi, it was super awesome, easily the best moment of my life. Well, second best.

Helmet Hair Hero Shot. (actual piece of artwork name)

Call sign:BARB. On my way to the danger zone.
Or Chainsaw and I's rehearsal dinner. Yes, our wedding rehearsal dinner was that evening, all the way across town. (our wedding was the day after his graduation.)

Coming back from the taxi, it was super awesome, easily the best moment of my life. Well, second best.

Helmet Hair Hero Shot. (actual piece of artwork name)

Call sign:BARB. On my way to the danger zone.
Or Chainsaw and I's rehearsal dinner. Yes, our wedding rehearsal dinner was that evening, all the way across town. (our wedding was the day after his graduation.)

Bonus picture of him graduating, because YAY!
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