Wednesday, December 30, 2015


It has been a seriously epic year. It has had some major ups and downs, and has definitely been a journey of a year. C and I started the year off engaged, and jumping into planning our wedding so we could get the wedding of our dreams while we were still in Arizona. We scheduled our wedding to be a few weeks before his B-Course graduation, so the two wouldn't conflict. Eventually came drop night, when we would find out our assignments, and I have had my heart set on Germany since I was a little girl, when we saw that was available, we knew that was going to be the slot for us. C rolled some dice (literally) and an hour later we were calling family to tell them the good news, three years in Germany! Amazing!
We kept rolling through the year, getting more and more excited for things to come, and working our butts off. C was flying and studying and I was working and going to school four days a week. Luckily our wedding venue handled basically everything for our wedding. 
Soon we found out that C's graduation was moved forward, to the night before our wedding. Awesome, now our families can go to both! Never try to plan around the Air Force folks. 
It honestly worked out so well, but took some major scrambling on our part to make sure we got to spend time with everyone, and got everything done! 
His graduation and the wedding came and went with out any problems, and they were both incredible days! 
Then came time to start out processing and getting ready to move, and everything was going pretty smooth until it was time to go through medical records. Everyone kept saying it was going to be fine, so we weren't too worried about it, and went about finishing getting ready to move. 
I ended up getting medically denied for moving overseas, for about 2 more years, so there went that, bummer. 
Our move was put on hold, and everyone from his class had left already, so that was a bit tough, but we have enjoyed getting to spend the winter in Arizona, where the weather is much better than the 120 degree dog days of summer. 
We talked around about our options, and put in a request for C to be sent to one of the two bases in Korea, and a month or so after that found out that wasn't going to happen. We joke about C being the only fighter pilot to be denied a slot to Korea. 
We have spent a bit of time waiting to hear about where we might be sent, when four choices got sent down the ladder to us. Ultimately it was not our choice, but up to the powers that be, who get to look at my medical record. 
A TFI (guard unit) slot to Mcentire in South Carolina, a TFI in Vermont, a TFI in Tulsa, and an active duty slot to Shaw in South Carolina. We crossed our fingers and hoped for the best in terms of what we wanted to go to. 
Luckily, as of right now, it looks like we got our choice, Mcentire. We are actually just as excited for it as we were about Germany, so the downs were definitely worth it! We are going to have SO much fun! 

We are finishing out the year enjoying the cooler weather, let's be honest, to us it feels cold after the summer we just had. We definitely could not be happier right now. Well, C could, he could be in the air right now, 

So let's see, 2015 a list: 
  • C Graduated B-course
  • We got married (Best day ever)
  • I got to ride around in an F-16
  • I got my personal training certification
  • We made it through the year without twerking. 
  • I took off an air plane
  • Survived the hottest summer in the history of the universe
We already see some great things happening in 2016 (the first month or so even, stay tuned), I hope you all had a great year, and even better one next year. 

The Broadmoor:

We recently went back to Colorado (as seen in last post) to pick some things up. One of our really close friends/one of my very best friends (one of my bridesmaids!) is in Colorado right now because her husband (one of C's groomsmen) is stationed in Korea. We decided to meet up with her and do something a little special because I have been missing her something fierce.
We decided to go to the Golden Bee, which C and I have both been to, just not together.

We showed up and the place was packed, which we expected, and we had C get out and put our names on the list while D and I found a parking spot. As luck would have it, as soon as we let him out we spotted a spot, literally right across the street, perfect!

It was about an hour wait, which we had planned on, so we walked down to the main part of the property, and looked around. They had a GIANT gingerbread house (it smelled amazing).

We still had some time to kill, so we went outside to see the lake and saw a bunch of sleeping ducks and geese and such.

We went into the bar and grabbed some mojitos to drink while we wandered around and waited for our phone call, but as soon as we sat down to drink them, we got the call, our table was ready a lot earlier than we had expected, no complaints here though. Before we had grabbed our drinks we had taken a second to peak into the library and ballroom, so we certainly didn't miss out on anything.

Can we just take a minute to pause... and really appreciate this next picture? This a a border line Beauty and Beast style library y'all, A LADDER.

If you have ever been to the Golden Bee, you know they serve yards of beer, and have a piano sing along. We did NOT get a yard of beer (as we had to be up early the next day) but we DID get half yards! We both went with a half Guinness half Strongbow. Seriously good.

Wouldn't you know, I looked over to the mirror right next to our table and spotted this, I guess I find little pieces of the fighter community everywhere we go.

C and I both finished the night with 6 bees a piece.
We ordered Beer Cheese soup and Pretzels and had a blast singing a long that evening (which if you follow my snapchat, I am sure you saw the videos of.)

We had so much fun, and it was really good to see D, catching up with her is always good for the soul.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Colorado, again:

We had to go back to CO again, to pick some things up since C is not going to Korea like we thought. I can't say I mind, I love visiting home, and seeing my family. 
Of course we used it as an excuse to go get wings again! 
...Obviously from the best wing place on earth! 
Even better though...remember the duck zap we came across while we were there? You know... this one:

Well we took a Tophat sticker with us, just in case we went back....


Of course I am going to shove a picture of wings down your throat... they also sell wing sauce to go..if anyone wants to mail me some (just saying).
I have had the same hair dresser since I was in high school (junior year) minus one brief stint in Enid when a very sweet girl did my hair. Jessica has been a great hair dresser, and even better family friend... she even did my hair for prom! There is no one I trust more with my hair, especially with big changes. I decided to chop it off..about eight inches of it.

Just after that we met a good friend to get lunch at the Bristol Brewing Company Pub.

Winter Warlock is THE BEST.

This is a Laughing Lab Chili, it was INCREDIBLE.
Now, if you don't know, the pub is in Ivywild, an old elementary school, that has been re-purposed as a gathering of restaurants and such.The gym is used to host events, and there is even a (fantastic) coffee shop called The Principals Office.

And that is the first part of our trip. We went to the Broadmoor with one of my best friends (and bridesmaids) the night before we went to Ivywild, but we have so many pictures... that gets a post of it's own!

As an added bonus, since C got snapchat, here are some snaps he took on the way to and from CO.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Y'all! It's our first Christmas married, and it's already a great one! One of our favorite traditions is having Mimosas and Orange rolls on holiday mornings! 
We didn't get to go anywhere this year because of the whole waiting on orders debacle, but we did have a quick trip to CO last weekend! 

Can't wait to share that in a post, along with where we got orders to! (Yes, we finally found out!) 

Hope everyone is having an amazing day! 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Waffle Crush:

This weekend we did not do too much, we went out for dinner with C's Cousin and his wife, we had a lot of fun! We also found out our favorite food truck (Waffle Crush) was on our side of Phoenix, so we HAD to drive over and pick up a waffle...cause who doesn't want a waffle for dessert...or dinner. 

We took Moose, because why not? He is adorable... and very photogenic. 
We got there a little before the truck did, so we hung out and let Moose explore. 
You should definitely stalk them on everything. 
There are some of the waffle options, and they also had some holiday specials. 
One was a Chocolate Peppermint waffle. That waffle is chocolate filled waffle, homemade whipped cream, and white chocolate peppermint bits sprinkled on top. 
The second was the one we decided to get! It is called the Buddy the Elf Waffle, and around this house Elf is THE favorite Christmas duh.
This waffle is also chocolate filled, topped with homemade whipped cream, and has syrup and mini m&ms on it. 
This waffle is where it's at. 

We have been joking about C being a Instagram/blog husband, like that video going around (
We also wanted to show you our AWESOME Christmas Cards... Paper Airplane Design on Etsy designed these and they have a bunch of other air craft as well!